
Fertilizing Your Yard: Helpful Tips for a Healthier and Greener Lawn

Having a gorgeously green lawn desirable by all the neighbors is easier to achieve than you think. Over time, plants, grasses, and crops can deplete and change the soil’s composition. To help restore nutrients either to the plants or the soil, you should apply fertilizer. Adhering to a professional fertilization schedule and using the proper fertilizer for your yard will ensure the immaculateness of your green space.

When To Fertilize

Fertilization is a process that should happen in thoughtfully planned stages. Fertilization frequency and type will depend on your goals, temperature, hardiness or plant growing zone, and the type of grass you have. Different regions have different grass varieties and growth cycles.

If you live in the Midwest, and you are looking for Twin Cities lawn care, you will discover it is recommended to fertilize early spring, summer, and fall. If you live in the southern states, optimal fertilization should occur later in spring and mid-summer, during peak growing times. Consulting a professional will help you make a more informed decision about when and how to fertilize your lawn.

Organic Versus Inorganic Fertilizer

Fertilizers can either be organic or inorganic. Organic fertilizer can be made at home or purchased. It may consist of a combination of compost, plant material, coffee grounds, and manure. These fertilizers have excellent nutrients for your lawn and work well long-term since they help maintain healthy soil composition.

However, if you need a quick fix, or if your lawn is explicitly deficient in nutrients, then you may want to buy a commercial inorganic fertilizer specifically targeting your needs. Inorganic, or synthetic fertilizer, is an artificially made formula created to meet your lawn’s specific needs. It is beneficial to conduct a soil analysis to determine where your soil is deficient. Results from the test will help you choose the best fertilizer for your lawn.

Inorganic grass fertilizers are typically comprised and formulated with different amounts of three primary nutrients:

  • Nitrogen
  • Phosphorus
  • Potassium

The most absorbed and often considered to be the most important nutrient is nitrogen, which is necessary for plant growth and healthy tissue. Phosphorus helps with energy storage, root and stem strength, and seedling growth. Potassium is essential for overall plant and root health, water and nutrient movement throughout the plant, and disease resistance.

Organic fertilizers are well-suited for the soil and environment. However, their use is ideal for long-term goals targeting plant and soil health. They do not remediate problem areas that need to be addressed quickly. Inorganic fertilizers are widely available, and they are a cost-effective approach to creating a healthy lawn. However, if they are not applied correctly, they can be harmful, especially if the dosage is not followed properly.

Fertilizers come in a liquid, powder, or granular form. There are pros and cons to each method. You need to consider the ease and technique of application and the ability to achieve uniform coverage; however, the goal is the same: you want your lawn and landscape to thrive and look healthy.

Creating a beautiful lawn can be achieved by following a few recommendations. Determining your soil’s needs, choosing the best fertilizer to help you meet your goals, and hiring a professional can help ensure that you get the right coverage and dosage beneficial for your plants and the environment.

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